So I am a huge fan of the website
Etsy. I could spend days on end looking at what people have made. I found these adorable dresses called the "pillowcase dress" that people were selling for $20. Then I got the bright idea to put my new sewing machine to use and make my own! I found the exact fabric I was looking for and bought enough to make 4 dresses for $20. When I started, I couldn't even sew a straight line. When I finished the first one, I was doing "french seams", pretty fancy huh?!
Unfortunately, it took me more time to keep threading the bobbin and needle than it did to actually sew the darn thing.
I bought the tutorial from a lady of Etsy for this one. After I did 2 I realized how I could improve on it. The major difference was that I decided to make it A-line instead of straight. I figured it out after Jocelyn wore hers and when she crawled the whole thing ended up around her waist.
Here is my first home-made dress!
I made another one out of this fabric for a friends little girl. My skills sure improve with everyone. Especially now that I can thread the bobbin much quicker.
I finished this one yesterday:

I have so many ideas running through my head of what I want to make next. I want to make more dresses, I got a cute pattern for an apron shirt from a friend, and some more burp cloths.
I would LOVE to design my own invitations, announcements and business cards and stuff, but I downloaded some program to try and it was like reading Chinese. I have no clue where to start doing something like that with no background whatsoever.
Next up is decorations for Jocelyn's Birthday Party! Luckily I have 2.5 months to get a head start.
Depending on how that goes, maybe one day with a little more experience I'll open up my own Etsy store!