Wednesday, October 27, 2010

More than Anyone

happy 3rd anniversary to my favorite husband in the whole wide world!
you are the best husband, father, and best friend a girl could ask for.
i love you so much more than you know

Monday, October 25, 2010

That's gonna leave a mark.

we have been working hard on getting the playroom all ready to put the toys back in.
i painted it purple last week, and yesterday i put a fresh coat of white under the chair rail.
now, all thats left (besides decor) is painting the picture frame things purple, and painting the trim.
i bought this shelf a while ago and brian and jocie put it together while i was painting yesterday.
jocie is a great helper.
soon enough, i won't need brian around. jocie can put everything together.
following directions.
holding the nail for daddys hammer! ;)
all done.
oops a little out of order, hammering!

and then, she decided to crawl onto the back before brian had hammered down the cardboard backing.
she fell in and smashed her poor little head :(
perfect timing for halloween, she looks like frankensteins baby.
it actually looked worse in person.

the fall didn't keep her from playing with it though.
finished project!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

This is really old, but I never shared the pictures and thought you would enjoy!
This is what happens when you let a 1 year old play with a bottle of bright red nail polish in an all tile house!

I love the little foot prints.
Lucky I caught her before she tracked it all over.
One minor freak out was when I realized I had about an ounce of acetone left in the bottle.
Brian saved the day with a huge tin of it in the garage!
 Poor baby had an acetone bath :(

Monday, October 11, 2010

SAHM's Unite!

Now that I am lucky enough to stay at home with my sweet girl all day long, (Thanks Babe!) I have to find stuff to do to stay busy. Well, of course cleaning every day and cooking 5 course meals every night keep me on my toes ;) Jocelyn needed to get out and make some friends, (as do I) since I pretty much don't know anyone.

(By the way, SAHM= Stay at Home Mom)

In Florida, I kept saying I was going to go join clubs and take Jo to the park and sew dresses and paint pictures and all that jazz, but other stuff always got in the way. Like, work, even though it was only part-time. I finally went to my first MOPS meeting (Mother of Pre-Schoolers, FYI) the we found out we were moving.

Fast Forward a month. I decided that if I was going to change my ways, it needed to start right away. Luckily, I found 2 great groups to go to. First was MOPS. It meets every other Wednesday for 2 hours. That means two glorious hours that I get to talk to other moms while Jocelyn goes into the daycare area! The first meeting I met some really nice girls. One was actually from Florida too. Believe it or not, I have met a lot of people from some part of Florida, small world! MOPS is religious based group that meets in a church.

Then, there is another group I found through They meet different days during the week and do all kinds of different activities. So far, I have met up with them to do a playtime at the mall, and I actually didn't enter into ANY store while I was there. That has to be some kind of record for me! We went to the zoo, walked a few miles on the river and this morning we met at a park by my house.

Jocelyn is having a great time learning to play with other kids her age. I am not only making new friends and meeting people that have all kinds of thing in common with the Mister and myself, but I am also learning how to let Jo do things by herself rather than  being right behind her and holding her hand for every move she makes. She has to learn to do this stuff sooner or later and I can't  keep her wrapped in bubble wrap forever. 

The girl I rent my house from is actually in this playgroup too. That makes it really easy for all the complaints we have! Ha ha! Just kidding, we LOVE this house and neighborhood. 

Having playgroups to go to really makes the day go by faster for us and it makes me use Jocelyn's nap times for being productive (like writing this blog and checking Facebook) and getting stuff done around the house!

Speaking of naptime. I have been extremely lucky. Jo is waking up around 8:30, taking an hour nap at 10, a 2 hour nap at 3 and going to bed by 9. Is that awesome or what?
Unfortunately, now that we are doing things at different times during the day, I am hoping to consolidate those naps to 1 hopefully 3 hour nap. We'll see how that works. If it doesn't, I have no problem with 2!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Someone told me it's all happening at the zoo.

We took our first trip to the zoo today.
I went with my new moms group (more about that in another post)
I have to say that Jocelyn could really take it or leave it at this point.
I think she was just mad to have to sit in the stroller.
The zoo is the perfect size for her to run around so next time I will leave it in the car.
We saw snakes, cougars, coyotes, birds, and some other things I can't remember.
Of course, my favorite exhibit is the monkeys. Jocelyn seemed to like them too.

We had the most fun in the petting zoo.
Did I mention it was a small zoo?
There was 1 pig, 1 dog, and about 10 little goats.
this picture!

She had a good time running around petting them.
I was just trying to make sure they didn't ram her with their horns.
She has a tendency to hit rather than pet :)

The weather was absolutely gorgeous.
I looked up and there was not a cloud in the sky, it was about 75*, and a few of the trees had already completely changed colors.
Have I told you yet that I am in love with this place?

Anyways, before we left we went on the carousel.
That was Jocie's favorite part of the day.
She threw a fit when it was time to get off.
Luckily, Wednesday is $1 day at the zoo, so I am sure we will be back soon!

Tomorrow, I am meeting the moms to walk.
I'll tell you about my new groups then!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Future Seminole!

After just a few times watching us do the Tomahawk chop, Jocelyn is a pro!

Right on time

I am amazed by how the seasons are on time here. So different than Florida! 
Autumn started Sept 22nd and we had cooler weather in a few days.
We had to turn on our heat 2 nights ago!
 I felt like such a Floridian, when I had to use the heat when it was 60* outside.
Then, last night we got to use the fireplace!
(please excuse the wires, we are still figuring out what to do with them)

Jocelyn got a new wardrobe for the occasion! Hopefully she doesn't get too much of a growth spurt before it gets warm again. She has a bout 5 new pairs of boots that she just HAS to wear!

I just hope the weather stays like this!
I'm sure I will be praying for warm weather once I go through a Tennessee winter :)