Sunday, January 2, 2011

Resolution Time

I had the best of intentions to NOT have any resolutions for 2011, but somehow I kept adding them to a list in my head and before I knew it, there were like 5 things on the list. Without further ado, here they are:

1. This is a long shot but I would "like" to lose 30 lbs by June. It is my 10 year HS reunion, so what better time to put this plan into action? It is only 5 lbs a month, which is VERY doable. If I stop eating tons of junk and start doing some kind of workouts at least 3-4 days a week this shouldn't be too crazy. I tried to talk Brian into getting a gym membership, but at $100 a month it is too much at the moment, since I am not really working.

2. PAY OFF DEBT. We have been following Dave Ramsey for a few years now. Sometimes we are 90% on board, other months we are closer to 25%. So our goal is to be 100% and pay off our remaining debt. Live like no one else, so we can live like no one else!

3. Keep up with my blog better. Since I stopped keeping Jocie's baby book and photo album up to date, this is basically my only way of having a record of what she has done.

4. Learn to do lot's of new things this year. Use my sewing machine better, take awesome pictures with this new camera, play 1 song on the violin Brian got me for Christmas last year, and knit.

That is all for now!

I will leave you with some of the pictures I have taken in the past week!

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