We found out on New Year's Eve that Jocelyn is going to be a BIG SISTER!!! As of right now, my due date is September 7th, 2011. Let me just tell you, that seems like a LIFETIME away, but I know it will be here before I know it (and probably before I am truly ready for it!)
Unfortunately, the first trimester is probably my LEAST favorite time in life. ever.
I am cursed with horrible morning-sickness. It is actually all day sickness. This time was bad, but luckily not as bad as it was with Jocelyn. I think I got to the Doctor and got Zofran before I was too far into it.
Having to take care of Jocie has made it much much harder, but at the same time it has forced me to get up and take her places. I feel too bad if I just lay on the couch all day, so before lunch at least 3 days a week, we went out and had play-dates or went to the indoor playground. The best part of getting out of the house meant that we got to go out to lunch too! My only aversion this time has been My Kitchen! I gag every time I walk into or even THINK about the kitchen. It's pretty bad.
Thank God, I have the absolute BEST husband in the world! For the past 5 weeks, I have not had to make one meal or clean up after myself AT ALL. I seriously mean, that he has done every load of laundry, cleaned every part of the house, made food, picked up my garbage, and anything else you can imagine. All of this after working all day! I love you so much Brian!
I can tell I am on my way back to feeling normal for many reason! One is that I finally decided to make a new blog post. The second is that I have had to FORCE myself to go to Target (normally my favorite place!) and not only did I enjoy being there, I was able to look at things other than necessities! I got Jocie the cutest outfit that I have had my eye on ;) I have not cared about anything for the past month, and I am finally caring again.
Whew, I didn't think I was ever going to feel normal again. Don't get me wrong, I am not 100% by any means, but at least I can function without gagging every 5 steps!
Hopefully, I'll be better at updating and posting pictures now, but I can't make any promises ;)
I have three girlyos and I sooooo remember those first trimester blahs. Your fortunate that it doesn't last 5 months like mine. It wasn't fun but it's worth it in the end. Congrats to you and your family.