Monday, April 11, 2011

The last 2 months-Warning long post!

There hasn't been all that much happening in the last 2 months believe it or not.

I started to feel better in the beginning of March, finally. Although I am still not 100%, most of the time besides being extremely tired, I feel great. The mornings are a little rough if I don't eat breakfast quick enough, other than that I am just enjoying all the food that I am not depriving myself of!

My sister Kelli came to visit for a week. We went shopping and to the aquarium, and out to eat a bunch. I think we had ice cream every day while she was here :) Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures and facebook won't let me save hers for some reason.

We've had beautiful weather up here. Lot's of days in the high 70's-low 80's and a few in the high 80's! We've gone to the park a ton with our moms group. Luckily after a long day of "finging" (aka swinging...Jocelyn's favorite thing) she is work out and takes a wonderful nap, which is always a plus for mommy!

Now we are getting ready to begin going to the lake! I have never spent any summers at the lake. It's always been the pool or the beach so this will be very different for me. It's strange to think that this is what Jocelyn will be used to, with an occasional visit to the beach. I have a few girlfriends with pools in their community, I am sure we will be spending time there a lot too! We blew up Jocelyn's little pool the other day but the hose water was freezing. She wouldn't even sit down in it. Of course, she didn't want to get out either. I would post pictures of that, but we left her swimsuit in FL and I didn't think it was appropriate to post her in the nude ;)

A few weeks ago, we took a Sunday trip up to the Ocoee river and stopped where they had the 1996 Olympic whitewater rafting. It was a really cool mostly man made spot. Brian and Jocie threw rocks in the the river for a while. She loves to be outside with her daddy.

We got her a new potty too. She wasn't too fond of the one that sat on the big toilet, so we got a little frog chair that we can put wherever and she can just sit and relax! So far we have had absolutely no progress. She sat on it one time, then got up and told me she had to go poopy, then refused to sit back down. I'm sure we'll have plenty more times like that before it actually starts working. Hopefully it will happen before baby#2 is born, but we'll see since I am not pushing it by any means.

Since this post is so long, I'll leave you with some cute pics of the lil' miss!
 At one of our favorite playlands
 on the way home!
 Chocolate pudding
 giving bunny some water
trying to grow a chocolate pudding beard.

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