My sister Kelli and Jocie
We were able to take our time driving down and didn't leave until after a doctor appt at 11. We stopped many many times along the way which made our normally 9 hour drive an "exciting" 11.5 hour drive! We stopped for lunch at The Varsity in Atlanta. It was really crowded but pretty tasty food! Jocelyn ate her first hot dog with the bun! Then we stopped at every other exit so this poor pregnant lady could us the bathroom. We also got to stop for dinner at Chipotle in Jacksonville. It was such a treat since we don't have Chipotle in Chattanooga for some strange reason. We finally pulled into my dad's house at 11:30.
Friday morning we were able to get up and go spend the morning at the beach. I never cared about going to the beach when we lived 20 minutes away (most of my life) But, now that I can't just pick up and go whenever I want, that's ALL I can think about! It doesn't help that every single person I know up here takes a beach vacation to Florida every summer :) Maybe we will be able to plan a trip for a week next summer. After we came back form the beach, we drove by our old house and our neighbors were outside! So we got a chance to catch up with them for a while, which is nice since I haven't seen them since we moved.
Saturday morning, my sister Brandi and my nieces Makenna and Carsyn came over to spend some time with us! I have never seen anything as cute as those girls when they saw each other again! They laughed and giggled and hugged and spun around in circles for at least 20 minutes! I am kicking myself now for not having mu camera out to take pictures.
I love these pictures of the cousins! They are only 3.5 months apart.
We also spent Saturday at my Grandma's house visiting with my mom's side of the family and celebration Jocie's Birthday (again!) It was nice to have a home cooked meal, that I didn't cook :)
My sweet grandma. Jocie calls her GG.
My little sister Jennifer, Mom, Me and Grandma
Jocie blowing out her candles for the millionth time!
This girl could blow out candles every day of the year!
Sunday, Father's Day, we spent the day hanging out in the pool and eating cake for Brandi's birthday. Later that afternoon, we drove up to St. Augustine and surprised Brian's dad! He didn't know we were coming into town at all, much less having Father's Day dinner with him and spending the night.
My little mermaid girl.
Makenna just learned to swim like a fish!
So that was our summer "vacation" and I use that term loosely! I thought about going down again before the baby arrives, but I think my window of opportunity is going to pass before I am able to go again!
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