Thursday, October 29, 2009

Top Ten Thursday

Brought to you by the following lovely ladies:

Jennifer from It’s A Beauty Filled Life
Sara from Domestically Challenged
LZ from My Messy Paradise
Zeemaid from In The Mommy Trenches

This is my first time doing Top Ten Thursday, so here goes:

Christmas Wish List
(disclaimer: this list is only partly attainable and mainly selfish as there are no baby related items on it. It's all about me me me!)

10. iposture.

I have the worst posture. Ever. I look like the hunchback of Notre Dame. I think this little jewel here would fix it. It actually vibrates when you start to slouch to temind you to stand back upright!

9.  Cute clothes for work.

I need to start looking more like I'm going to a hair salon than the office. I have to wear all black, and I feel a little boring.

So a Gift card to the following places would be perfect:
The Limited
New York & Company

8. Fall and Christmas Decorations

My poor house has no holiday spirit :( I have a kick ass Christmas Tree, decorated in purple and silver, but thats about it.

I always plan to go get stuff in the after Christmas sales, but would much rather spend my gift money elsewhere!

I love glitter anything: pumpkins, trees, snowmen, wreaths. I need some holiday candles too.

7. New bedroom furniture

This is not something I need, nor have room for. But, I want either white or antique white for the Master bedroom. I saw the perfect bedroom at my sister-in-laws baby shower and I WANT IT! Of course, it is not "man-friendly" but that's OK, all he does is sleep in there.
6. New Phone...iphone?

I haven't researched which one I want yet, because my contract is not up until next June. I HATE hate hate my Palm Treo. The battery dies every. single. night. drops all my calls, burns my face when I'm on it too long and the touch screen sucks.

I want all the apps on the iphone. The grocery lst one is pretty cool (is it sad that thats the main one I want?)

5. Anything from Pier1

Man, i love that place. Yesterday I took jocelyn in with me to pick up 1 thing. I had just fed her in the car and carried her in. Of course she spit up all over the floor! I had the girl get me some paper towels so i could clean it up. Then I left without looking at all the fun stuff (I am trying to save money remember?) So anyways, A gift card would be awesome!

4. Gym Membership.

I can't talk the husband into spending the outrageous amount to have a monthly membership. That's all.

3. New Tahoe.

I absolutley love my 2002 Tahoe. It is the only car I ever want to have. When i bought it I didn't even like the new body style, of course I started to about 2 months after I got it.

I will take it in Black or Pearly White.

2. Espresso Machine

I have got to start making my own caramel macchiatos. I just sit around imagining the money I could save! I could probably figure out how to make it with less calories too.

1. Violin

I love the way this instrument sounds. I promise I will take lessons and it won't sit around gathering dust.

Next time, this is actually just going to be a list rather than a novel. It has taken me half the day to finish it!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dave Ramsey will be the death of me!

So, about a year ago I bought Dave Ramseys book "Total Money Makeover"  We have been kinda on and off with following what he says to get debt paid off...He has "baby steps" that you follow to get where you want to be financially. We are currently on Baby Step #2- Snowball your debt. The way it looks right now, we will be debt free, excluding our house in about 3 years! Now I just need to get down with the Gazelle Intensity and get it done.

The only times I get to listen to him is in the car between 3-6. Unfortunatley the only time I am in the car at that time is returning home from a shopping trip of some kind or another. He is so motivating. I am driving in my car thinking about how I am not going to spend ANY more money at all, unless it's on groceries or necessities. Then I realize that I just spent $20 on Reed diffusers at Pier1 (B--I know you are reading this, don't worry it was my "allowance"!)

But of course I don't make a U-Turn and return it, do I? Nope. I say "OK, I will start tomorrow..." This is the same thing I say about exercising and eating healthy. There is a pattern here and it has got to STOP!

Hopefully by posting this here, it will keep me in check because now someone other than B and I know about it.

I need to realize every $5 I save on my Caramel Macchiato is $5 that goes towards a credit card payment and just maybe we can get it paid off sooner. The deal is, the next baby can't arrive until we pay it all off. I better get moving if I want to have another one before Jocelyn is in college!

OK enough rambling...I am off to see where I can save some money

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


On Monday, Brandi had an interview for a new job so I went over and watched Carsyn. I wasn't too worried about it until I realized they both needed to eat at the same time. I can't pick them both up, and Carsyn would roll off the couch if I layed her up there and fed her while I fed Jocelyn. So, I sat on the floor and fed J while I watched Carsyn roll all around the floor. Just as she was getting really hungry and fussy, her daddy walked in! I have never been so happy to see Jeff :)

He had to leave to pick up Makenna from school, but they were both pretty good until he returned.

Jocelyn and Carsyn had a great time playing together. I think that J watches Carsyn and she learns how to do things...She watched her roll over at my dads house and was rolling over by the next day! On the other hand, Carsyn hears Jocelyn crying and I think it makes her mad because then she cries...and she hardly ever cries!

Here are some pictures from our fun day:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Video of First Cereal.

This is Jocelyn trying cereal for the first time. Didn't go over too well, neither did the 2nd and 3rd times! I guess we'll be waiting a few more weeks to try again.

You would be amazed how just a few small tastes of this stuff can make such stinky diapers and farts... I am not looking forward to full meals of it.

Monday, October 12, 2009


I went to see Dr. Mitra for my 4 month check-up last Friday. Everything is right on track. I weigh 13 lbs. 14 oz. and I am 26 inches long. I had to get 2 shots. Luckily the nurse was so quick I didn't even notice the first one and she was done by the time I felt the second one.

The doctor said I could start cereal since I have such good head control. Mommy decided to start with rice cereal yesterday morning. I didn't really like it, but I didn't push it out of my mouth too much. We are gonna try again tomorrow and see if I like it any better.

Four Months Old!

I am now 4 months old! I am starting  to do so many fun things.

I stare at my hands all day. Well, when I am not trying to fit my whole fist into my mouth.
I rolled from belly to back a few times but lost interest. Just last night I rolled from back to belly.
I laugh and giggle when mommy makes chewing noises in my ear.
I sleep through the night! I am normally in bed by 10-10:30 and wake up between 7 and 8.
I talk all the time, especially when mommy and daddy are trying to have a conversation.
I put everything in my mouth.
I just started sitting in my jumperoo. I like it more and more everyday.

Monday, October 5, 2009

You are finally here!

Sometimes it seems as though you wait forever for something, but also as if it was here before you know it.

Our newest niece was born last week!

(Photos by Rachel Copple)

Nola James Smith

September 30, 2009

8 lbs. 12 oz. 22 in.

Brian, Jocelyn and I went over to visit on Thursday.  Mom and baby are both doing great. Nola has the prettiest strawberry blonde hair.  I was picturing her to have dark hair like her daddy.

Christmas with Brian's family is going to be so different from now on!  We went from 0 to 2 this year.  Next year when Jocelyn and Nola are both walking, it's going to be so exciting :)

I can't wait until Jennifer is feeling a little better, so J and I can go over and spend the day visiting.