Sunday, January 2, 2011

Video- Finding what Santa Claus brought!

Resolution Time

I had the best of intentions to NOT have any resolutions for 2011, but somehow I kept adding them to a list in my head and before I knew it, there were like 5 things on the list. Without further ado, here they are:

1. This is a long shot but I would "like" to lose 30 lbs by June. It is my 10 year HS reunion, so what better time to put this plan into action? It is only 5 lbs a month, which is VERY doable. If I stop eating tons of junk and start doing some kind of workouts at least 3-4 days a week this shouldn't be too crazy. I tried to talk Brian into getting a gym membership, but at $100 a month it is too much at the moment, since I am not really working.

2. PAY OFF DEBT. We have been following Dave Ramsey for a few years now. Sometimes we are 90% on board, other months we are closer to 25%. So our goal is to be 100% and pay off our remaining debt. Live like no one else, so we can live like no one else!

3. Keep up with my blog better. Since I stopped keeping Jocie's baby book and photo album up to date, this is basically my only way of having a record of what she has done.

4. Learn to do lot's of new things this year. Use my sewing machine better, take awesome pictures with this new camera, play 1 song on the violin Brian got me for Christmas last year, and knit.

That is all for now!

I will leave you with some of the pictures I have taken in the past week!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

White Christmas 2010

This year was spent different than any other Christmas I have ever had. My mother and father in law, and sister and brother in law and niece came up to our house to celebrate with Brian Jocelyn and I!

They came up from Florida on Christmas Eve and we mostly just hung out around the house visiting, waiting to eat dinner! I was able to start all my own traditions this year, which was pretty fun. I may be tweaking some of them and adding to them next year though. We did appetizers and finger foods for dinner that night.

Then we all got to open 1 gift and of course, they were PJ's! The babies matched, the girls matched and the guys matched. The goal next year is to find some where we ALL match each other. Then we read "The Night Before Christmas" and the girls had baths and went to bed to Santa could come bring the gifts!

I have NEVER been able to sleep on Christmas Eve before. I think I could this year, because Santa came before I went to sleep, so I knew what it looked like down stairs. Of course, I woke up before everyone else, and to my surprise, Santa did come! He brought us our very first White Christmas!

Santa's sleigh must have been pretty heavy, because he left a ton of stuff at our house!
Some of that is from the Grandma's and Grandpa's...It was too big too wrap up.

From now on my pictures will hopefully be much better, since my wonderful hubbs got me a new 
Nikon D3100! Now I just need to learn how to use it. Luckily my very talented sister-in-law Jennifer was there to show me a few tricks.

We had to take a break in the middle of opening presents to eat a yummy breakfast of hash-brown casserole and cheese-danish cake (aka Fat Casserole!) Then it was back to opening presents for what seemed like hours. Jocelyn got side-tracked about 1/3rd of the way through, so all of those clothes that I just HAD to wrap up for her, were opened by yours truly!

Then, it was time to go play in the snow! Jocelyn loved it and didn't want to come in. I forgot to get her mittens so she wore mine. Surprisingly she didn't take them off right away either.

 I made dinner that night with a little help from Brian's mom and it was delicious! We didn't even have room to eat the Pecan pie I made.
Here are some pics of Jocelyn enjoying her toys and the snow: