Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sneak Peak

Jocelyn got her 9 month pictures taken last week. They turned out absolutely gorgeous! Jenny has always done a beautiful job, but this time they were even better. I am in love with the way she edited them.
I also wanted to thank Mrs. Foreste over at As the Forest(e) Grows for the inspiration with the pearls and mirror :) Yours turned out so adorable I had to recreate it!

Anyways, Here they are:

As soon as I get the CD of prints, I will add the rest!

Friday, March 26, 2010


My sister and nieces and nephew came from Kansas to visit on their spring break. Jocelyn had a great time playing with her cousins. Luckily we get to go see them again in May for Jessica's graduation from high school.
brandi, jessica, jocie, sarah, jonathan, emily.

sarah and jocie.

Happy St. Patty's day!

kiss me for good luck.

pinch proof.

irish eyes are smiling.

happy st. patty's day.

March is pretty much gone...

I have been MIA from the blog for most of March. I have the best of intentions of updating, but get side-tracked so easily. I have most of my pictures I just need to post them!

Jocelyn is almost 10 months old. Month 9 has been a big one for new things. She is 19.5 pounds, 28.5 inches and wears size 3 diapers. She is now a crawling maniac and learned to pull herself up on things rather quickly. She uses her face for leverage!

I am still using her infant car seat. She could definitely be in the bigger one now, but we tried it and when she fell asleep her head rested on her knee. I felt so bad for her that we put the old one back in for a while. Not to mention the big one rear-facing leaves almost no room to get her into the car. I thought a Tahoe was supposed to have a lot of room, then I saw my friends van... Man, I am NOT a van person, but I was amazed at how roomy it was.

She eats solids 3 times a day and is still nursing. Unfortunately she nurses mostly at night. Ahhhh. It is about killing me, but she will only be little for a small amount of time, so that gets me through. She takes 2 naps a day, about 45-60 minutes.

She gets to hang out with Daddy on Fridays and Saturdays while I work. They always go out to the river and walk around, seeing the sites. Sometimes he even lets her drive!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pink Eye?

We woke up yesterday morning planning on having a fun family day out of the house for once instead of cleaning. Well, Jocelyn seemed to be having trouble with keeping her eyes open...Not like she was tired but like something was bothering them. Then before we knew it they were watering, she was rubbing one and her nose was running. Of course it was Sunday and the doctor was closed, but I called anyways and she called in a Rx for some eye drops.

Poor baby.

We ended up going down to melbourne and mostly driving around looking a pretty houses on the river. She slept most of  the time. We stopped by a park on the ocean to feed her and took a couple of cute pictures.

After doing the eyedrops for just one day, she woke up and was back to 100% so I don't know if it really was pink eye or something else. I figured I would take her to the doctor if it got worse. She has her 9 month check up next Monday anyways.

It's already March?

Wow, this year is flying by. I can't believe that Jocelyn will have her 1st Birthday in 3 months. I better start planning...Yeah right, you know I already have! I have decided on what the "theme" is going to be, made the guest list, picked a date, researched party supplies, and talked to the cake lady. Now I just have to go buy everything, but I think 3 months should be plenty of time for that!

Anyways, Jocelyn is crawling! Last Monday she would stop everytime I looked at her. By Tuesday night she was going non-stop. It's funny though, even though she can get around this way, she would much rather be walking holding onto our fingers. If we put her down for a second to rearrange our hands, she gets sooo mad.

I put her in a laundry basket to see what she would do, and she LOVED it! It was easy for her to hold onto the sides and pull herself up on her own. Too bad she needs constant supervision so it doesn't fall over because she would play in it for a while, and I could update this blog!

This picture of her waking up from a nap and looking through the crib slats is so funny :)
We finally had to lower her mattress because she was getting up on her knees and I was scared she would fall out!