Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Home Stretch

8 more weeks have passed since I updated about this pregnancy. They went by so quick, probably because I haven't really been too miserable or anything! The temperature has been brutal, but luckily we got to spend every Wednesday at the pool with out playgroup. That made it much more bearable. Jocelyn loves the water, so she would have been happy going every day, but we had to do all the things that keep life going too!

I started my every week appointments 2 weeks ago (36 weeks). I was hoping that I would be progressing nicely so maybe he would come sooner than his due date of Sept. 7th. I had an ultrasound at 35 weeks and he was measuring 3 weeks ahead! Ahh, I am expecting a HUGE baby :) That day I was 2 cm and 80% effaced!

Last week I had another U/S and he was only 1.5 weeks ahead and estimated to weigh 6 lb 14 oz, which is what Jocelyn weighed when she was born! Of course, the U/S can be up to a pound off either direction. At that appointment I was 3cm. and 85% effaced. The doctor said I would not make it to my due date, but also made it sound like I could have him at any moment. So of course, Brian and I have been on constant alert.

This is Jocelyn playing little piggies with my hugely swollen feet :)

We got the house 100% ready to have Fisher last weekend! Everything was vacuumed, mopped, put away, laundry done, bags packed. You name it, we did it! I had Mexican food on Saturday night and of course, nothing! So, back to the doctor I went yesterday!

In the meantime, we all got colds this weekend. Mine and Jocelyn's started on Saturday night and Brian's followed on Sunday. This made me rethink being ready for Fisher to get here! I am not prepared to bring a baby home to house filled with germs. Not to mention, Brian doesn't do well on no sleep. If yoyu add in being sick, taking care of Jocelyn and a new baby, he is going to be NO FUN to be around! So, I just started hoping he would stay in a little bit longer.

Back to yesterday's appointment. We had talked about stripping my membranes, but decided against it since we were all sick. I was "4 cm and pretty much all the way effaced" according to my Doctor! No one can believe I have not gone into labor yet! I might just get so dilated that Fisher just falls out at some point. Haha! I haven't had any contractions and besides sleeping like crap, I feel pretty good.

Unfortunately, by the time he does decide to come, we will have to do all the cleaning and laundry again. Can you believe that is what is stressing me out the most?! How dumb, but it's true.

I have an induction scheduled for next Wednesday at 12:01 am if he doesn't come before then. I will be amazed if I make it that far. It would be fun to go into labor on my own, but I am so worried he is going to end up being huge and I'll end up with a c-section after laboring for hours. So, if my doctor wants to induce me at 39 weeks, he can go right ahead!

Here is a picture of my cutie pie, if you've managed to pay attention to this long post!

1 comment:

  1. What an adorable blog!! And thanks for the link love - I really appreciate it!!!

    I can't believe how amazing you look so pregnant. I was all frumpapotamus for the last, oh, 40 weeks of it ;)

    Mind sharing where you got the insanely cute dress?
